
Glastonbury Abbey

Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset was founded in the seventh century during the Saxon period. A stone church was built by Ine of Wessex, the base of which forms the west end of the nave today.
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Green oak

It is often considered that Green oak is freshly-felled oak, but this not strictly the case.
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Putlog hole

A putlog hole is a small hole in the wall of a building, designed to accomodate the ends of beams (putlogs), especially prevalent in the medieval period.
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The Dissolution of the Monasteries

The Dissolution of the Monasteries took place between 1536 and 1541 during the reign of King henry VIII. Sometimes also referred to as the ‘Supression of the Monasteries’, it was a process which disbanded the monasteries and other religeous organisations in England, Wales and Ireland.
Read more about the Dissolution of the Monasteries